Cosmic Forecast February 2022

Cosmic Forecast February 2022

February begins in Aquarius season, and we’re launched straight into the energy of the month with a New Moon in Aquarius on the 1st. This transit is about freedom, autonomy, and possibility pertaining to our needs. If Capricorn’s Saturnian energy is about boundaries and limitation, Aquarius is about going beyond structure and certainty into the unknown. It’s leaving the village to begin a grand adventure towards life’s higher truths.

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Cosmic Forecast January 2022

Cosmic Forecast January 2022

As we cross the threshold into a new year, the planets start to stack up in Capricorn and make their way into Aquarius. This transition might feel a little shaky, a little unnatural. We move from the limitations and logical organization of material reality into the more conceptual realms of thinking about new possibilities and activating our imaginations.

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Cosmic Forecast November 2021

Cosmic Forecast November 2021

Scorpio season is time to get acquainted with our shadows and the unknown. We’re tasked with achieving certainty in so many parts of our lives, knowing where we’ll be in the next five years, even the next five months. We have to know how our creative projects and relationships will work out—what success they will bring, how long they will last—before diving into them. The pandemic has brought us face-to-face with the fact that the future is in shadow, like walking through a dark wood with only a small lantern in hand. Scorpio season allows us the opportunity to integrate that truth instead of running away from it.

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Cosmic Forecast June 2021

Cosmic Forecast June 2021

June comes in on the heels of the powerful Full Moon eclipse in Sagittarius that happened on May 26th. Eclipses occur in pairs, and this event typically referred to as an Eclipse Portal, wraps up with the New Moon in Gemini on June 10th. In my experience, eclipse portals can feel very intense. The Moon is about the body and what’s happening on our emotional plane. The communication we get via the Moon is through our feelings. I find that it can be challenging to rustle up the energy to do spells and rituals that aren’t honouring my feelings during the Full and New Moons, but especially during Eclipse Portals.

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