Cosmic Forecast February 2022

February begins in Aquarius season, and we’re launched straight into the energy of the month with a New Moon in Aquarius on the 1st. This transit is about freedom, autonomy, and possibility pertaining to our needs. If Capricorn’s Saturnian energy is about boundaries and limitation, Aquarius is about going beyond structure and certainty into the unknown. It’s leaving the village to begin a grand adventure towards life’s higher truths.

Capricorn’s influence isn’t quite through with us yet. Several planets will stay in Capricorn for most of the month, including Mercury, Mars, and Venus. With Capricorn's heavy hand at our backs, the approach to the more airy energies is quite grounded. Ideas will become actionable, theories will be tested, and spiritual awakening will merge with the practical—like the Zen koan that says, "Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water."

Venus and Mars are conjunct in Capricorn for almost the entire month, coming into the same degree on the 15th. They’ll move hand-in-hand like this for about thirty days. During this time, you might find that what you want and your methods for getting it are more in alignment. It’s a great time to gain some clarity on what you’re looking for in terms of love, joy, pleasure, and abundance.

Capricorn’s pragmatism colours the energetics of this transit: that means it’s okay to make the mundane, comfortable decision for once. Mars likes a challenge, but Venus wants indulgence. Capricorn’s earth energy backs Venus on this one. Think visiting the garden centre, opening a savings account, choosing a stable partnership, and learning how to cook a solid freezer-friendly lasagna.

Overall, we’re entering a season of intense stelliums—that is, signs with three or more planets stationed in them—and conjunctions—when a planet is parallel to another in the sky. We’ve been in the midst of a lot of stelliums and conjunctions over the last two years, mostly in Capricorn and Aquarius. Now, the planets are starting to stack up in Aquarius and Pisces, but not before this final intense stellium in Capricorn carries us through the month (by March 5th, Pluto will be the only planet remaining in the sign).

Mercury, our messenger of the Gods, moves from Capricorn into Aquarius on the 14th. You can expect a rush of creativity or a tendency towards overthinking. What seemed concrete during Mercury in Capricorn might no longer feel locked in. It’s okay to go back on decisions during this time, and it’s really important not to make pie-in-the-sky promises. You might feel more optimistic, but there may also be a tendency towards talk over execution. On the other hand, with Mercury only edging closer to mystical Pisces on its way to energetic Aries, being expressive, communicative, and friendly may feel more effortless.

Aquarius’ ruling planet, Uranus, is in Taurus, where it will be until the fall of 2025 when it dips into Gemini for a few months and then heads back into Taurus while retrograde. With Uranus in Taurus, it’s hard to get comfortable. The planet of chaos is making its home in the sign of indulgence and earthly pleasure. It’s no wonder we’ve experienced such disruption to our bodies and sense of homeostasis during this transit.

With the Sun joining Saturn in Aquarius (the conjunction happens between the 31st and the 4th, with the Moon joining them on the 31st), the intensity of Uranus’ transit is heightened. If that wasn’t enough, these three heavenly bodies are square Uranus during that conjunction as well. The start of February might feel like it’s stretching you to your maximum. Plan for downtime and self-care and be mindful of newsfeed overwhelm.

The conjunction will bring up limitations in expressing our feelings and needs. It might force us to tell an uncomfortable truth or to feel like we can’t speak up for ourselves at all. You may find yourself discovering new boundaries or accidentally stepping over someone else’s. Patience is vital. Aquarius isn’t good at wearing their heart on their sleeve. Depending on your Sun and Moon Sign and their aspect to Aquarius (“soft” trine or sextile, or “hard” square or opposition), you may find that bearing your soul is either necessary or terrifying now.

The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, joining Jupiter and Pisces’ ruler, Neptune. Pisces season wraps up the astrological calendar year and, in many ways, represents the end of life and transcendence from the material into the metaphysical. Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011 and will be there until early 2026. With this magical transit, it’s no wonder that we’re seeing a collective turn towards spirituality, astrology, and the occult.

As the Sun passes through the sign, it’s a great time to ride the wave of mystical energy and tap deeper into a magic practice, or simply a devotional habit of noticing how strange and incredible being alive is. Jupiter is about expansion: broadening your vision, reading about ecology, keeping up with NASA’s Instagram, looking closely at trees, and noticing the intricacy of your bodily functions are all excellent ways to honour and usher in Pisces season this year.

Keagan is a writer, tarot reader, and astrologer. Find her on Instagram @moonsingemini to book a reading. Subscribe to her monthly tarotscope newsletter here.