A Mixed Playlist Inspired By: Lauren Ray

Artwork: Lauren Ray, Untitled (35mm portra 400 film)

Life’s most vibrant moments can pass right by us, as they are easy to miss out on in the turbulence of the everyday and the familiarity each of us may grow used to. Featured photographer Lauren Ray is a master at capturing the balance between the mundane as well as the most magical scenarios life presents to her. To me, her photographs often evoke a sense of adventure, with a mixture of playfulness and nostalgia—full of colourful moods.

The spotlight Lauren shines on life’s seemingly small details is a testament to her love for everything around her. This playlist is inspired by that special spark and longing which certain places and people can evoke in all of us, and how this feeling can be inexplicable yet full of love.

Ana Rivera


SAD Mag is an independent Vancouver publication featuring stories, art and design. Founded in 2009, we publish the best of contemporary and emerging artists with a focus on inclusivity of voices and views, exceptional design, and film photography.