A Mixed Playlist Inspired By: Gio Swaby
/Artwork:, She Used to be Scared of Hair Comb (10 of 10), Gio Swaby
The holiday season can be, to put it lightly, all over the place. Transit gets busier, the air gets colder, and the sky is dark by five o'clock—not the easiest time to maintain standards of self-care, in our experience. We know those winter feels well! We also know that good art and good music can make it better. It's important to groove, to delight in local artists' work, and to hunker down with good friends and family at this time of year (at any time of the year, really). So here's our Featured Artist playlist for the month of December, inspired by Gio Swaby's engaging textile piece, She Used to be Scared of Hair Comb (10 of 10). Oh, and this mix features music made exclusively by black artists, because that's important, too.
Your pals at SAD