Cosmic Forecast June 2023
/Illustration by Jess Stanley
Togetherness is the central theme this month. June bridges Gemini and Cancer Season—the former being the sign that rules close relationships and communication, and the latter ruling emotional nurturance as well as the boundary between the self and others. The planets underscore this theme through their positions in the sky this month. All the heavenly bodies are moving in pairs, except for Pluto in Aquarius (and the Moon, which moves the quickest through the zodiac). The resulting energy serves as a reminder that we do not move through this world alone and we don’t achieve anything by ourselves either.
June begins with intense squares between Mars in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius that will last until about June 10th. A square is an aspect where the planets are at right angles to each other, creating energetic friction. This transit might feel a bit like a thunderstorm, a rising tension precipitating a much-needed release. Mars in Leo is finally feeling more at home after its journey through Cancer. It wants to help us move forward on our goals, to get out there and be seen. Jupiter in Taurus brings luck to the parts of our lives that concern stability and abundance; it invites us to rest when we need to and to know that we will have enough.
Pluto in Aquarius is the lightning strike that disrupts the whole operation. It can illuminate our relationship to the collective: how is the energy we’re bringing to the world affecting everyone around us? Pluto in Aquarius leverages the energy of the other two planets and their placements for a moment of transformation which may not feel comfortable. With Mars in Leo in the mix, the square asks us how dimming the light of our gifts, passions, and desires impacts our communities. It challenges Jupiter in Taurus, emboldening us to question how true the lazy/successful, restful/ambitious dichotomies really are (hint: they are illusions).
On June 3rd, we’ll have our Full Moon in Sagittarius which will trine Mars in Leo. This lunar moment is like sparklers in a dark backyard. It reveals what’s luminous about the human experience: friendship, laughter, exploration, freedom, fun, silliness, and discovery. The Moon in a positive aspect to Mars gives us the chance to explore what we need to live as joyfully as possible. Most Moons through the year invite us inward, but this Moon reminds us that our environment is a reflection of our inner selves. It’s a good time to take stock of your lifestyle, what excites you up about it, and what doesn’t. The Moon in Sagittarius empowers us to seek out something different for ourselves if we need to.
Meanwhile, there’s another trine—a flow aspect—between Venus in Cancer and Neptune on the edge of Pisces that will last until the 9th. This is a really sweet aspect that can help us access some deep creative healing and strengthen our relationship with our imagination. The energy opens up space for us to have a conversation with the part of ourselves that once believed (or perhaps still does) in fairies, Santa Claus, or even just the basic goodness of the world. The part of us that’s okay with not knowing everything and, instead of filling that void with anxiety, fills it up with wonder.
The Sun and Saturn are both moving through mutable signs, Gemini and Pisces, respectively. At the end of the month, on the 20th, right before the Sun moves into Cancer, there will be a loose trine between the two heavenly bodies. Then on the 30th, Mercury in Cancer will be conjunct with the Sun and trine Saturn as well. These aspects to Saturn put a gentle spotlight on its presence in Pisces; during this time, you might feel like it’s hard to stick to deadlines, you might find yourself daydreaming more, or find that time feels a little fuzzy around the edges. If you lean into it, this could be a really great period for generating new creative ideas and feeling more in alignment with your weirdest, most magical self.
Venus moves into Leo on the 5th and Mercury joins the Sun in Gemini on the 11th. These two planets create a Sextile—a flow aspect that’s similar to a trine—which opens us up to new ideas, new ways of communicating with others, and new ways of relating to ourselves. Alongside this Sextile, a peaceful trine between Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius happens from June 6th to 15th. If we are open to change, this aspect will help transform our personal relationships and self-worth.
There’s a New Moon in Gemini on June 18th which, similar to the Full Moon in Sagittarius, encourages us to move outward. Make a point to spend time with childhood friends, siblings, or cousins (the relationships Gemini influences the most). You can also use this New Moon to honour your inner child by doing something fun and creative that helps you truly embody your authentic self.
Then, at last, Cancer Season begins on the 21st, which is the Summer Solstice or Midsummer. It’s a powerful time to celebrate your achievements and the achievements of the people you love, for expressing gratitude, for planning parties, and for calling in more connection and romance into your life.
In the last 10 days of the month, the energetic focus might feel a little scattered. It might feel like there is so much potential, yet nowhere to really direct your ambition or desire to move things forward. All month and into the summer, the planets are moving through signs that don’t necessarily provide stability or certainty. We’re all riding a big wave for the next little while. All that we can do is continue to treat ourselves with kindness, work through our personal reactions to external insecurity, get clear with ourselves about what we can and can’t control, and try to enjoy the roller coaster ride ahead.
Keagan (she/her) is a writer, tarot reader, and astrologer. Find her on Instagram @moonsingemini to book a reading. Subscribe to her monthly tarotscope newsletter here.