Cosmic Forecast April 2023
/Illustration by Jess Stanley
As the astrological intensity of March winds down ever so slightly, April’s planetary landscape invites us to integrate and recuperate from the energetic shifts we experienced last month. April begins in Aries season. Aries is the zodiacal new year, the point in the year when the cosmic energy really gets up and running. While the first three astrological seasons of the calendar year–Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces–give us space to orient ourselves and process the lessons from the previous twelve months, Aries season invites us to take the next steps forward on our journey. April ends in Taurus season. The month blends two very different energetic expressions: one of action, ambition, and self-discipline; and the other of caution, restfulness, and self-compassion. The lesson of April, perhaps, is that we need both approaches to help us feel fulfilled and nourished in this life.
The month kicks off quietly, with the movement of Mercury from Aries into Taurus on the 3rd. Mercury will go retrograde on the 21st, so it will spend more time in the sign than usual. Mercury in Taurus opens a door into intentional slowness and not just setting boundaries around rest, but reassessing how you view and prioritize rest in your life overall. The word “boundaries” sometimes evokes the idea of keeping something out, but Mercury in Taurus is more about cultivating what’s within. Mercury is not just about communicating with others; it’s about connecting with yourself and the spirit realm—your guides, ancestors, or deities. Taurus is about what we have, our sense of enoughness and material security. This Mercury transit is about setting aside blocks of time to nourish yourself and figuring out what to fill them with. Don’t worry so much about what types of rest look aesthetically pleasing (though Taurus loves beauty) and focus more on what taking it slow and feeling your best really looks like for you within the context of your life as it is right now.
On the same day that Mercury goes retrograde, it forms a conjunction with Uranus. The shift into this retrograde might feel sudden and disruptive. If you’ve been moving too fast, moving towards burnout, the retrograde will slow you right down and clear a path for healing. Delays are sacred. Remember that wonderful opportunities that come to you before you have enough energy for them may not be right for you. Even dream projects can sour if you are pushing yourself too hard. The point of engaging in something you want to accomplish is to experience it, not flame out trying to get to the finish line as quickly as possible.
Mars, the planet that rules Aries, is in Cancer throughout the month and will stay there until the end of May. Mars transiting Cancer underlines the themes of Mercury in Taurus. As we revel in the newfound desire to be proactive go-getters, we’re supported by a Mars that’s focused on building a strong foundation of care, grace, and emotional intelligence. It asks us to check in with ourselves as our ambition ramps up: is this really how we want to live each day? Is this really how we want to feel? How can we best protect our physical health while we put our spirits and minds into creative pursuits or career goals? For those of us with children or households to take care of (if you’ve just moved in, or are doing renovations), Mars in Cancer helps us get stuff done in the domestic sphere.
Early in the month, on the 6th, a Full Moon in Libra will tie together the energies of Mars in Cancer (as Cancer is ruled by the Moon) and Venus in Taurus (Libra is also ruled by Venus). This Full Moon will invite us to explore our aesthetic experiences and go deeper into what we believe is valuable and why. It gives us the chance to take a look at what sorts of material possessions we prize, which ones we dream of having in our lives, and which we can truly do without. Purchasing the things we need with intention is a form of self-care. Allowing ourselves to have things that help us meet not only our basic needs, but fulfill our desires for meaning and beauty, is a way to assert who we are as incarnate beings and to affirm that we are worthy of our own loving attention.
April 11th, shortly after this potent Full Moon, is a packed-out day with Venus moving into Gemini, creating a trine with Pluto in Aquarius. At the same time, the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Aries. There’s a lot of power concentrated on the 11th, an opportunity to take advantage of a sense of expansion, synchronicity, and transformation. This is a really lucky day as the Sun’s light amplifies Jupiter’s energetic signature, and Venus and Pluto work side by side (a little like Persephone and Hades) to open a road for making changes in our lives that feel magical and authentic. This day might truly feel like Spring, as if everything in our lives is about to burst into bloom.
At the last moment before the Sun moves into Taurus on the 20th, there’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. If the month wasn’t already filled to the brim with new beginnings, this New Moon gives us yet another chance to start something new, to take on a new mindset, to make changes that make us feel more like ourselves. In a solar eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun, blocking its light and giving us a moment to reset our psychies. The New Moon is the shoot bursting from the soil, the first cry of a newborn baby. As we move into Taurus season on the wings of this New Moon, we’re reminded that we can always define and redefine ourselves, we can always make choices that lead us towards a life that we feel at home in; we’re never stuck. This Aries season starts a cycle of adventure—whether that’s across oceans or across the waters of our inner selves. There’s a chance to emerge with a new level of self-actualization and a deepened love for being exactly who we are.
Keagan (she/her) is a writer, tarot reader, and astrologer. Find her on Instagram @moonsingemini to book a reading. Subscribe to her monthly tarotscope newsletter here.