Cosmic Forecast February 2023
/Illustration by Jess Stanley
February is an in-between month where we move away from the threshold of the new year and settle back into a more familiar rhythm. The astrology this month is steady, yet there’s tension as we prepare for some big transits come March. Pluto teethers on the edge of Capricorn before it moves into Aquarius while Saturn is getting ready to head from Aquarius into Pisces. Most of the planets are in both the final signs (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) and the first sign of the zodiac (Aries). The stars are preparing for a changing of the guard. It’s a month of endings and rebirth as, collectively, we enter into a phase that’s focused on wisdom, our elders, and maturation.
February starts off with a Full Moon in Leo on the 5th. As with each Full Moon, there’s a spotlight on the relationship between the sign that the Sun is in and its opposite, the sign that the Moon is in. Where Aquarius represents the interconnected network of consciousness, Leo signifies the self. Aquarius is about dismantling the ego—the idea that we are separate from each other and all creation—while Leo is about reifying and celebrating our unique individuality.
During the Full Moon and, indeed, Aquarius season, we’re tasked with gaining a deeper understanding of how our individuality places us in the network of our community. We do not have to achieve what society deems as “great things” to have an impact on the world around us. Simply being ourselves, honouring our energy levels, and accepting our needs is enough. Leo’s lesson is that whatever you bring to the table matters. The flame of your spirit illuminates our world and makes it a richer place to be, regardless of the form that flame takes.
For the first ten days of the month, Mercury moves through Capricorn. During that time, it’s in what’s called the “post-shadow,” which means that it’s moving through the degrees of Capricorn that it already went backwards through during the retrograde. The post-shadow is where we get to review anything that came up for us or tie up the loose ends that we may not have been able to move forward with while Mercury was retrograde. With a post-shadow in Capricorn, we’re invited to release our need for control over our productivity and achievements. While ambition and hard work are ingredients in getting what we want, we can’t lose sight of the reality that our energy is variable (not to mention finite) and that certain kinds of success are often the result of luck and privilege. The post-shadow might prompt you to cut yourself some slack: your best really is good enough.
Mercury joins the Sun and Saturn in Aquarius on the 11th where it will be for the rest of the month. On the 16th, it creates a trine with Mars in Gemini, which is also freshly out of its own retrograde in the sign. This trine continues a conversation that Mars and Mercury have been having for the last few months because Gemini is ruled by Mercury. This transit will make it easier to bridge your personal goals and desires with what the collective needs. You might find it more straightforward to raise your voice on important topics and to put your thoughts into words as you connect any personal struggles with the social environment we’re living in. Is it a personal failing, or is it really a product of the system we’re living in?
Throughout the month, Venus is transiting through Pisces. On the 15th, Venus forms a conjunction with Uranus—the planet that rules the sign. Around this time, the themes of Venus in Pisces intensify. Throughout this transit, we might become more open to our wildest dreams, we might find the space to soften into childlike wonder and return to using our imaginations, to daydreaming, to tuning out the real world. Venus represents what nourishes the heart. In Pisces, we’re reminded of how vital it is that we have time to believe in magic, to get comfortable not knowing all the answers, and to explore the world through the lens of enchantment. It’s a great time to take a break from social media, to read a fantasy book or watch a nature documentary, to get lost on a long walk. Being grounded in reality is important, but so is letting yourself float away from it every once in a while.
The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th. We’re in the final season of the zodiacal year. In Pisces, we get to synthesize that dichotomy between the child self and the elder self. We get to take all the wisdom we’ve gained and use it to nurture the parts of us that are still growing. It’s a time to remember how much wisdom there is in embodying the inner child who sees the world with loving eyes and open arms, and who is already perfect in every way. As we head into Pisces season, we’re called to connect with an older version of ourselves somewhere out in the future, as well as our younger self. Connecting with our shifting identity and prismatic perspectives over time and space gives us the opportunity to lovingly accept who we are and where we are right now.
Keagan (she/her) is a writer, tarot reader, and astrologer. Find her on Instagram @moonsingemini to book a reading. Subscribe to her monthly tarotscope newsletter here.