Cosmic Forecast September 2022
/Illustration by Jess Stanley
This month guides us out of summer and into autumn, a time of transition and deep change. September’s astrology will push and pull us and, ultimately, it will humble us. The next few weeks might be filled with more questions than answers while Virgo and Libra ask us to find some serenity and equilibrium in the midst of it all.
September begins with a square between the Sun in Virgo and Mars in Gemini. At the same time, Venus in Leo is opposite Saturn in Aquarius, and Mercury is opposing Jupiter in Aries. On the 6th, the Sun comes into opposition to Neptune in Pisces. If this sounds like a lot, that’s because it kind of is. Throughout the summer, there have been a lot of squares and oppositions, and the trend continues this month. The Sun squares Mars and, later, will be opposite Neptune, colouring Virgo season’s typically straightforward, organised energy with a little bit of impatience and a good dose of frustrated idealism. The square with Mars may make it feel like you can’t act on your ambitions and passions quite yet, or that you’re not where you should be. The opposition with Neptune may make you feel like the world you want to live in is so incredibly far out of reach.
Luckily, through the middle of the month, the Sun is involved in a Grand Earth Trine with Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. A Grand Trine happens when three planets form a triangle in the astrological chart. Trines always happen in signs of the same element, which amplifies the energy of that element. This trine puts the focus on grounded, protective, secure Earth energy. Depending on the signs that are most prominent in your chart—meaning, whichever signs have the greatest concentration of planets in them—this trine could feel relaxing (Earth or Water) or restrictive (Fire or Air).
Pay attention to how you feel for the middle two weeks of the month. Mercury goes retrograde in Libra on the 9th. There are a lot of energies competing for our attention, and there might be many different parts of us that are asking for different things. For example, you might feel that you need to spend more time with loved ones while also craving solitude. Leverage the combination of Mercury Retrograde and the Grand Earth Trine to really, really slow down. If you feel pulled in too many directions, try making lists of your obligations and categorise them. What is creating more stress than it’s worth? What are you truly taking pleasure in?
Remember that Earth is as much about pleasure (Taurus) as it is about hard work (Capricorn). Virgo helps us strike a balance between the two, inviting us to engage in work that feels truly meaningful to our spirits and helps us feel the pleasure of being human. At the end of the month, Mercury dips back into Virgo, where it will stay until October 10th, giving us some extra time to revisit those areas of our life where we need to reconnect with what feels nourishing and gives us a sense of physical and emotional abundance.
The Full Moon in Pisces on the 10th puts a dreamy lens over September’s practical Virgo energy. This lunation gives us permission to escape. If your responsibilities and obligations feel heavy, make some time to be entirely unproductive and unreachable. Pisces represents our divine being, the essence of ourselves that exists beyond the physical realm, social norms, and daily life—the part of us that’s infinite and limitless. During this Full Moon, find ways to free yourself of the limitations placed on your incarnate form and do exactly what your heart wants. Take yourself into other worlds: play video games all day, read a fantasy book, do a Lord of the Rings marathon. This month’s astrology is intense, so use this time to really give yourself a break from real life.
The Autumn Equinox, Mabon, takes place between September 21st and 29th. As the month comes to a close, we cross the threshold into the season of death and decomposition. The Sun moves into Libra on the 22nd, reminding us that endings are part of the balance of life. During the early days of Libra season, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus hold hands with each other on the cusp between Virgo and Libra, in opposition to Neptune and Jupiter, and square Mars. The energy of idealism and ambition shines brightest in our personal lives. Neptune drives us to chase our dreams, while Jupiter gives us the push we need to take a leap of faith. You might see this play out in your love life (Venus), your close partnerships and travel (Mercury), and your identity or your relationship to yourself (the Sun).
By the time the month is through, you may feel like a changed being. The planets have been in noisy conversation all summer, and their voices and competing energies are getting louder in September. You don’t have to listen to all of the advice and intuitive messages you’re getting, but the energy you do tap into will help you shift towards clarity and peace. Libra is about harmony, after all, and that’s what Virgo prepares us for. The sign helps us do the tough work of tidying the house on Friday night, so that we can light a candle and just relax for the rest of the weekend.
Let any challenges that come this month remind you that you are strong and capable. Let them steer you towards joy. Most of all, remember that in the context of the infinite, your mistakes and fears and anxieties are so quiet, so unnoticeable. What shines brighter is your being. May the humility that this season inspires allow you to reject perfectionism and let go of the idea that you need to be something more or better than you already are.
Keagan is a writer, tarot reader, and astrologer. Find her on Instagram @moonsingemini to book a reading. Subscribe to her monthly tarotscope newsletter here.