Our World As We See It: VIFF Modes 1 Review

Our World As We See It: VIFF Modes 1 Review

You’ve probably heard that life imitates art. Well, when art imitates life, it’s mimesis. The term is a philosophical position that understands art as constantly imitating the world around itself. It’s difficult to separate art from the world's current affairs, and with all that's going on in the world, it’s becoming almost impossible to do so. 

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Universal Love 2 - A Harley Alexander Experience

Universal Love 2 - A Harley Alexander Experience

There's something quite addicting about honesty. Some sort of unadulterated and absolute truth revealed through conversation, or music that feels like welcomed rain washing over you; an experience void of verbosity, a refreshing disruption in this manufactured world. Unto you, with honesty and tenderness, Harley Alexander wholeheartedly returns with his first project in two years to connect with love, above all else. He provides a remarkably honest expression of raw emotions through uniquely contrasting tracks on his album, Universal Love 2.

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Though distant from our current fall bliss, local band Babe Corner’s first single off their debut album Crybaby, entitled “Summer Slaughter,” recounts the awfully familiar feeling of the end-of-summer comedown. The breezy tune is paradoxically a song about grief; one that was inspired by the passing of a band member’s family member in August.

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manchester by Tasheal Gill

manchester by Tasheal Gill

i saw manchester when i closed my eyes: velvet sofas, drowning bluffs, a sunset clouded by emotions.

i’m no stranger to stumbling down unfamiliar streets and daydreaming at midnight. it’s become a haven.

at 16, i was all knowing, no worship.

i studied god at the bottom of my glass and said my prayers between each panting breath. maybe i look back too often, i’m not sure.

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VAFF Review: Emergence: Out of the Shadows

VAFF Review: Emergence: Out of the Shadows

Nobody tells you explicitly how intimate oppression is; it is not only in the streets or institutionally. It is also while you brush your teeth and right before you go to bed, and when you say a prayer to the deity you question exists. You are not man enough, says the patriarchy as you wash your face. You are nowhere near rich enough for your dreams, says capitalism as you floss. You are not beautiful enough, says white supremacy as you bring yourself into meditation to attempt to chase out the world you will one day transcend.

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