Cosmic Forecast April 2024

Cosmic Forecast April 2024

After the deep mists of March, April’s astrology brings some crisp rays of sunlight to illuminate some of the dark corners we’ve been exploring. But the new brightness can also feel like too much, the heat too intense. When the Sun is in Aries, there can be a sense of urgency, a desire to rush—a feeling that all the underground work we’re doing inside of ourselves, in our relationships, or in our spiritual lives isn’t enough because we don’t have anything to physically show for it. Aries sometimes prefers tangible results, or even better, public recognition. Aries likes to make dreams come true, but that energy can ask us to push past our physical and emotional limits on our way to the finish line. 

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Cosmic Forecast March 2024

Cosmic Forecast March 2024

March is the riverbank where we move from the waters of Pisces into the wide green pasture of Aries. It’s the month that marks the end of one astrological year and the beginning of the next. This new year isn’t a milestone most of us celebrate–it’s a transition that happens outside of our modern calendar. It’s a chance to experience time differently, to step into a current that moves a little slower than the one we usually swim in.

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Cosmic Forecast February 2024

Cosmic Forecast February 2024

February’s astrological energy is sombre and ethereal, like stepping into an ancient forest or over the threshold of a medieval stone abbey. This month brings whispers on the wind and rumblings of change in the deep. All the planets stack up across Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Taurus, giving the transits a serious, authoritative tone. Like January, this month demands maturity and, with Aquarian and Piscean influence, it’s spiritual maturity that’s in focus. We’re invited to practise greater reverence towards life, ourselves, and one another. The energy is monastic and wise–it asks us to move with intention and attention. It invites us to explore what is sacred to us and to practise greater devotion to the sacred in our everyday lives.

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Cosmic Forecast January 2024

Cosmic Forecast January 2024

The New Year begins in Capricorn – the sign that governs time, structure, and ritual. One of Capricorn’s central themes is discipline, which you could think of as a latticework of habits and routines that provide the structure for life as you want to live it. When the Sun, the giver of life, shines through the Capricorn, it’s an excellent time to explore your relationship to discipline and redefine it in a way that’s truly supportive. As Annie Dillard puts it, “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Discipline can be a form of devotion to the way you want to experience life. Ruling both space and time, Capricorn reminds us of our emotional and physical limits and gifts us boundaries. The discipline Capricorn inspires in us helps us to be loving parents to ourselves, who can compassionately recognize how much rest we need, how to make our physical environments safe and comfortable, and what decisions we need to make so that we feel held by our lives (rather than struggling to survive).

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Cosmic Forecast December 2023

Cosmic Forecast December 2023

The final month of the year is the front porch of an unknown future. Everyone feels differently about the boundary between one calendar year and the next, and each year’s astrology brings a different flavour to this time of transition. December’s astrological energy feels like standing ankle-deep in cool lake water, the ebb and flow gently lapping at the skin. There’s an invitation to be still and soak it all in. Though things may seem placid on the surface, there’s an intensity and a deepening—into intimacy, into self-awareness, and into a greater sense of meaning. Practising presence will allow you to process major shifts and compost old narratives, habits, and ways of being into nourishment. 

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Cosmic Forecast November 2023

Cosmic Forecast November 2023

November takes us on an underworld journey to help us find deeper meaning and a greater sense of connection. The energy this month is like a slow-moving subterranean river. Its timescale is more like a waterfall wearing away a cliff face, less like the rush of the workweek. November reminds us that we are part of cycles that are much, much longer than our own lifetimes. The experiences we have are tied to a lineage of events and, in many ways, the path we’re on is a type of inheritance.

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Cosmic Forecast October 2023

Cosmic Forecast October 2023

The astrology of October brings a sense of stability and sureness. It’s a month when conviction and determination come easier, when acceptance and surrender feel more like strength and less like settling for less than we deserve. It’s a month for clarity and seeing things for what they are. With this realistic approach, our judgement gets sharper, and we’re empowered to make choices from a place of authenticity. If you let it, October will leave you feeling more secure in who you are and guide your healing around safety and belonging. 

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Cosmic Forecast September 2023

Cosmic Forecast September 2023

The energy entering into September feels a bit like we’ve moved houses, but we’re still unpacking. Most of the summer’s retrogrades will linger throughout the month, so there are many things we are not quite finished working through. There are plenty of lessons to integrate and lots of reflecting to do, but it might feel like there’s too much going on for you to clear your head.

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