I only lie in Taxi Cabs
He picks me up on the road outside the dive bar I work at and I tell the driver that I am a working actress, and that I am coming back from a great meeting with a female producer, and that I am so excited to jump into bed with my fiancé and labradoodle. His name is Buggle and he’s a rescue. But we always say that he rescued us. The dog, not my fiancé. But he was a bit of a dog before he met me!
I tell him that Buggle and I went for a long walk this morning and I stepped in shit. Annoying, but at least I was wearing old shoes. I like the silence when I walk Buggle. Just me and him, no iPod. Sometimes we walk along the river, sometimes just around the neighbourhood because everyone wants to say hi to Buggle because he has such a kind face for a dog. I told my fiancé about the shoes and when I got home from my spin class he had bought me new ones. I was never the girl who got many gifts from boyfriends but it’s different because we’re engaged now. Funny story though, I never wear the ring outdoors because I’m so clumsy and I know I’ll lose it! That’s why I’m not wearing it right now. Our wedding is going to be very intimate, up near my grandparents’ cabin. I’m wearing her dress actually. Well, parts of it. And I’m carrying a bunch of lilies because my mother’s name is Lily and she won’t be able to be there because she lives in Italy and is scared of flying.
I’m going to walk myself down the aisle.
My fiancé is at home right now, waiting for me with Buggle. He’s probably making dinner. I know he said something about cream pasta. I hope there’s asparagus or broccoli or something. If I left him, my fiancé would probably go a week without eating a vegetable. It’s so funny because I am such a salad girl. He doesn’t even eat breakfast. I usually eat half a grapefruit with some egg whites and hot water with lemon.
The taxi driver tells me that he doesn’t eat breakfast either. Oh, you should! I lie. It’s the most important meal of the day.